I actually wrote a post of at Betfair about how to get more comments on your blog and have realised I don't get so many on mine!
This is because I left out some important tips. I did this on purpose as the post was really about using the comments settings in Blogger to make it easier for people to comment rather than the other methods to attract more comments and also I didn't want to patronise people because the short list below is common sense.
These are basically things I don't do and should do if I want more comments and more comments usually means more readers....and I'd like more readers.
1) Update often - people tend to comment on recent posts rather than ones a few weeks out of date.
2) Comment on other blogs - blogging is part of Web 2.0. It is a community based thing...leave a comment on someone else's blog and usually the author will click through to your site and have a snoop around...and maybe leave a comment. Because this blog is used for some testing of links and feeds, I don't leave too many comments on other blogs. Another reason I don't leave comments is I'm a bit shy...even behind my laptop. I think...what if I say something stupid? or what if people just ignore me?....what if I can't add to the conversation? Being ignored is probably the biggest worry. Imagine sat around a table in a pub listening to a story off someone in a pub then making a comment after it and being totally ignored by the the person who told the story.
3) Link out to other blogs in your blog posts. Most blog owners through curiosity will check their referral stats now and again and may just visit your site. I actually did this the other week...and got a comment back...thanks Rosie:)
So if you are a blogger using Blogger then check out my post for the technical stuff (that's not so technical)....and if you really want to get a more popular blog you really have to go out and get involved in other people's blogs...there are millions out there you will soon find ones you like.
Now I've written all that shit I can start with my brag post!!
My poker game has taken off recently since I started playing turbo mtts. I always used to shy away from them thinking they were just a lottery. And while there is an element of luck -more so than in the better structured mtts...there is still a fair amount of poker to be played and a strategy to follow.
I'd love to tell you how I have won nearly $2000 since the start of the year but I can't really explain it properly or perhaps....... it is just because I'm playing on Betfair Poker where all the fish hang out:)
I did write a post about why I am improving at poker...feel free to read it though I think being profitable at poker depends very much on your state of mind both on a general and specific level.